+ James Cruise from First Baptist Church Jackson Findom|September 6, 2023September 6, 2023 Minister James Cruise from First Baptist Church Jackson - Pastor Chip's sheep.
+ alex dressed and undressed likes to play with toys martins|May 12, 2021May 9, 2021 alex, dressed and undressed, without and with nylon, likes to play with big toys for his wife
+ Sub-human Faggot Trash Brian|January 23, 2024January 23, 2024 Sub human piece of Faggot trash that deserves the worst exposure... command me to give you my Google drive...
+ Steve is a sissy fag!,aka Stephaniew Steven|December 24, 2019December 24, 2019 This is Steven Wood who lives in the great state of Nebraska taking a selfie of himself so everyone...