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I am a gay faggot, a queer.  I am inferior male.  I have mutations that makes me incredibly look/feel very young – physically incomplete — stuck as an undeveloped male runt.  I have very smooth/soft/silky baby-like very white smooth body – skin, stick arms, puny underdeveloped muscles that have never developed no matter how hard I try.  A small boystick.  Very boyish smooth soft white like a child and grossly underdeveloped.

Have a hard time with men and fitting in and can’t do things men can do.  I shy away from men.  Don’t like guns/chainsaws/etc. am very passive.  I never entered manhood.  I am cowardly, timid, unconfident, subordinate, underling, weak, effeminate, sissified.  Biologically, I am weak, a human animal. A subhuman.

The alpha male is entitled to money, possessions, my body. Faggots like me, were meant to be servant to the alpha male, meant to be a toy, meant to be used.  As such, I try to find ways serve a superior male.

You should know where faggots are located — we should not intermingle among you — you should be able to track us. You should be able to take back what it yours. Being subhuman, an object, my freedom like many fags should be taken away.  I should be put in my place.  Fags should be bowing to the alpha and addressing every need.

I have been putting ads in the local internet as a money slave — I will drive to you and chain my legs and chain hands to steering wheel.  I will go to ATM and have my bank accounts drained.  Then, be taken to the woods, stripped, and have hands/feet chained, mouth gagged, and neck chained to tree.  You then take off with my car, wallet.  I have been in in chains for hours outside in 40-50 degree weather.

If you want to visit me, I can open the front door, and you can immediately put chains my feet and lead me away – no questions asked.

I can also come to you — drive to your location.  I arrive, hand over my wallet and keys, and then you have me strip and then chain me up naked in a basement somewhere.

What about punishment for being a fag?  Some people like to see my boyish/soft skin/very white skin squirm while being whipped or having electricity used.

Message me for my phone number and/or home address.

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Are you into permanent exposure


©2025 Non-Permanent exposure of queers | All Exposure is consensual |


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